If you want to make your life a lot easier, get a copy of Tom
Boutell's MapEdit
program. It allows you to lay out the
imagemap hotspots with the mapped image in the background. I try to keep
the latest version on the
Windows httpd home page.
image, and returns a
URL reference for a document that depends on the click location.
Since it is a native Windows
application (and doesn't need a DOS VM) it runs quite fast.
script expects to find its configuration
file as:
If you would like to change the location of this file, set up an
environment variable called HTTPD_CONFDIR
and set it
to the path where imagemap.cnf willl be located.
In this file, lines beginning with a # are comments. Every other non-blank line consists of:
name : path
is the name of the particular mapping. You use it
when you reference the image.
is the full path to the map configuration file for
this mapping.
Lines beginning with # are comments. Every other non-blank line consists of the following:
method url coord1 coord2 ... coordn
are each coordinates, format x,y. The number
depends on method
is one of the following:
For an ellipse. Coordinates: upper-left lower-right
of the bounding rectangle.
For a circle. Coordinates: center
For a polygon of at most 100 vertices. Each coordinate is a vertex.
For a rectangle. Coordinates: upper-left lower-right
is one of the following:
For example, if you have a WinScriptAlias /cgi-win/
, named your map fish,
and used the image fish33.gif for the map, the following line of HTML
will reference it:
<A HREF="/cgi-win/imagemap/fish"><IMG SRC="fish33.gif"
imapdemo : c:\httpd\conf\maps\imapdemo.map
# Demo map file # This file should be pointed at by an entry in IMAGEMAP.CNF # #The default page is loaded if no other entries are hit. default /demo/noshape.htm # Circles are defined by two points; the first is the center, and the second # is a point on the perimeter. circle /demo/circle.htm 50,50 50,10 # Rects are defined by two diagonally opposite vertices. rect /demo/rect.htm 130,10 170,90 # Polys can have any number of vertices. poly /demo/poly.htm 250,10 210,90 290,90Return to administration overview